Alida Morberg Violates Privacy

One thing to note about Alida Morberg is her constant violations of Bill Skarsgård’s privacy. Something that can clearly be seen all across her instagram, most importantly in her instagram stories. What you will note most of all is ever single time that Alida has filmed Bill without his clear consent or even knowledge of being filmed for one of her stories. Bill has been very outspoken on hating social media. Specifically instagram. He has expressed distaste for fan accounts, especially accounts pretending to be him or represent him, referring to them as “creepy”. He has stated that he finds social media to be a vapid popularity contest and prevents people from living their life.

In the past few months since the baby was born, Alida has provided instagram stories where it is unclear if Bill knows he’s being filmed. Since his stance on social media is already publicly known and not hard to find, one would have to also assume that he doesn’t want to be involved with this. When you see her videos which happen to have glimpses of Bill in them they follow certain patterns which denote she’s trying to hide that she’s filming or has nearly gotten caught filming. Despite the clear wishes of Bill not to be publicly involved with this, she puts them on her social media anyway.

The makeup of Alida’s videos seem to follow a certain formula. Example:

There is a video of Bill and Alida in a helicopter. Bill is in front of her with his back to her and clearly not paying attention to her. He seems to be genuinely enjoying himself and not paying any attention to her. She starts to film slowly, pans over so people can clearly see she is with Bill (without him in any way acknowledging that he’s being filmed or showing he’s aware of it) then panning away very quickly and ending the video as if she fears being caught.

It’s fairly clear with how she’s filming this she wants it to be known that she is there with Bill. It’s also clear he has no idea she’s filming and once she gets him in frame for a good long moment she pans back and fourth quickly. You can see this behavior is sneaky and I’m sure against any wishes that he actually has not to be filmed for her social media.

In a video shortly after Sundance when she went with Bill to an Air BnB, among all the bragging she did about this, there was a video with him on the bed. He was looking at something, not paying attention to her. She paused just enough to show that he was there on the bed, very quickly panned to the door and shut the camera off. Once again, we have a situation where he either didn’t know or caught her and didn’t like it. Furthermore we have this picture:

What’s very curious about this photo is that Bill is the one taking it. Except it was shared on her instagram story publicly. One would question what happened with this one. Since Bill has expressed distaste about putting anything publicly on social media, did she have his permission? Did she do it anyway? Did he even know that she did it until it was too late? There’s a whole host of possibilities with this one:

  1. He gave her permission to use it on her instagram story (seems insanely unlikely because her account was not private at that time)
  2. She took it from his phone and/or had it sent to her and used it without his permission.

What is known is that Bill doesn’t like to be exposed like this, hands down. He’s said as much. Since he doesn’t get on social media other than once in a blue moon (and his account is private and has very few followers and interactions) it’s very possible he literally had no clue she posted any of these things until well after they went up, everyone saved them, and posted them everywhere else. It’s very possible she knows he doesn’t look at her instagram all the time because he’s barely on it so she knows if she puts things in stories she can get away with it because he probably won’t notice them at all (or until it’s all over the internet). The fact of the matter is that Alida Morberg willfully and repeatedly goes against Bill’s wishes when it comes to privacy and how happy can a man be in a relationship with a woman who uses him for bragging rights against his own wants and desires?

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