Basics In Body Language

There are important things to note when it comes to the body language of Bill Skarsgård and what can be seen in photographs. The most concerning thing would definitely be his expression when standing near Alida Morberg as opposed to anyone else. One of the more interesting things about Bill Skarsgård himself is how expressive he is and how genuinely his emotions can cross over his face when he’s actually feeling them. There are dozens of examples of how his genuine smile looks like vs when it’s fake. A simple study in this could easily show that whatever is going on between him and current girlfriend Alida isn’t all that it seems.

Bill Skarsgård News on Twitter: "imagine thinking I wouldn't die ...
A good example of Bill actually smiling with genuine enthusiasm. Something called a Duchenne Smile.

This smile is important to use as a baseline for all of the other pictures of Bill because this is one of the most telling things about the situation he potentially could currently be in. When a smile like this is shown it is authentic. It’s how someone truly feels. Joy. Happiness. Enthusiasm. It’s a situation where if you were to cover up his mouth entirely and just see his eyes you would easily notice that his eyes are still happy. Still smiling.

When you see someone displaying a Duchenne smile, you naturally feel positive emotions for the person smiling. The smile is distinctive, with the mouth turning up (the zygomatic major muscle), the cheeks lifting and the eye sockets crinkling to create crow’s feet (the orbicularis oculi). (Source)

There are also many types of smiles that are fake, hiding something, or downright unhappy.

If one were to look at the more recent pictures of Bill and Alida this would not be something that could or would be seen. In fact, his smile is very different from anything genuine, and in a lot of ways it’s downright displeased or nervous.

alida morberg | Tumblr
Source: Alida Morberg’s Instagram Account

One needs to take into account several things in this photo that typically seem to go unnoticed by the Alida defenders (also known as stans). The biggest thing is the closed lipped smile with the dead eyes. Should you focus on either one or the other you can tell that whatever the case may be, Bill is not happy with taking this photo. Either he didn’t want to take it in general (because he knew it would end up on her social media and he’s openly not a fan of that) or he doesn’t want to be around her. An argument can be made that he isn’t interested in being around her in general due to his general body language in the photo. Namely that he’s leaning more away from her than into her and the very loose grasp he has on her shoulder with his hand. This photo also denotes that before someone suggested it be taken he was sitting considerably far apart from her at least a foot or two. Which is curious given that this photo is from earlier 2020 and she just had his child. One would think he’d want to be closer to this woman if he was genuinely happy and interested in her. Though this author admits there could be many different explanations for this behavior, body language doesn’t lie.


There is a reason, ultimately, why there are studies done so extensively in expressions and body language because these things don’t lie. Should one look at Bill’s natural Duchenne smile and compare it to how he is in the most recent picture with Alida Morberg one should be led to question what is going on and why exactly he doesn’t express any sort of actual enjoyment being around her, possibly even repulsion. Is there trouble in paradise? The photos don’t lie. Nor do the facts. Decide for yourself.

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